Science Outreach
Science must be spread.
Social Media
(Twitter, Instagram, Twitch)
Social media is a powerful way to present science to people. We can do what would be impossible in face-to-face events. Today I can talk about galaxy clusters and black holes to thousands of people, which is fantastic! I am always learning a lot from their questions. I use Twitter (@stephanevw), Instagram (@stephanevwerner) and also the Twitch platform to spread astronomy (@stephanevw). I do it via threads, tweets, posts on Instagram, stories and also lives on Twitch! My content is in Portuguese and English, but most of it is in Portuguese, as I want to help and inspire young brazilians who want to be astronomers.

I started to create science videos for the internet in 2017, in which I was involved with the AstroTubers project (in this photo, I was presenting the idea of the project at the Brazilian Astronomical Society Meeting). After that, I decided to create my own YouTube channel in which I talk about science and academic experiences and subjects that I think could help Brazilian people somehow.
You can find me on YouTube by clicking here.

Face-to-face outreach
From 2013-2017 I was involved with extension projects at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. We went to schools with telescopes, and we taught people how to observe the sky using an inflatable planetarium. We also taught astronomy to children from 3-6 years old. We won honourable mentions for this work. After that, I have been involved in other outreach projects, you can find more details in my CV.
In case you want to read Twitter threads with astronomical content, click here! You can check out some videos of my YouTube channel below.

Descobrimos algo interessante sobre galáxias!

Dicas de estudo e como eu estudava na faculdade de astronomia UFRJ